CC-Cluster Commands for USERs
ANnounce Send an announcement to local USERs.  (AN <Text Message>)
ANnounce/Full Send an announcement to all nodes and USERs.  (AN/F <Text Message>)
BYE Disconnect from the node. (BYE) or (B)
DX Send a DX spot.  (DX <Callsign> <Frequency> or DX <Frequency> <Callsign>)
DXTEST Returns  to USER only. (DXT P5NOW 14006.06) Good for testing RES 1 & RES 2
DIR Shows mail messages on the node
DIR/BULLETIN Shows mail messages to ALL, BULLETIN and anything not to a call
DIR/NEW Shows only mail messages you haven't seen since your last DIR
DIR/OWN Shows only mail messages to you including messages to ALL & ones you sent
DIR/SUBJECT Shows mail messages with subject you enter.  (DIR/SUBJECT ARL)
DELete Delete mail messages. (DEL (Msg #) (DEL 1-99) Deletes your messages from 1 to 99
Kill Delete mail messages.  (K (Msg #) (K 1-99) Deletes your messages from 1 to 99
List Shows mail messages on the node
List/NEW Shows only mail messages you haven't seen since your last DIR or L
List/OWN Shows only mail messages to you including messages to ALL & ones you sent
QUIT Disconnect from the node
READ Read cluster mail.  (READ <Message #>)  See Mail Send/Receive below
REply REply without a number following replies to the last mail message you read.  REply <#> replies to the message with that number given.  REply/DELete replies to message and delets it.  REply/DELete/RR replies to message, delets message and gets a return receipt.  REply/RR replies to message and gets a return receipt. 
SEND (SEND <Callsign>) Sends mail  to that callsign. SEND <LOCAL> to just send a message to local node USERs.  SEND <ALL>, SEND <FORSALE> and SEND <DXNEWS> will be passed to all nodes for all USERs.
SET/ANN Turn on announcements
SET/BEACON Turn on beacon spots.  These are spots ending in "/B" or "BCN"
SET/BEEP Turn on a beep for DX and Announcement spots
SET/BOB Turn on bottom of band DX spots
SET/DX Turn on DX spot announcements
SET/DXCQ Turn on CQ Zone in DX info for DX spots
SET/DXITU Turn on ITU Zone in DX info for DX spots
SET/DXS Turn on US state/province or country in DX info for DX spots
SET/USSTATE Turn on US state or Canadian province spotter in DX info for DX spots
SET/FILTER See Band & Mode Filtering Below
SET/GRID Turns on DX Grid, toggles CQ Zone, ITU Zone, & US State to off
SET/HOME Tell cluster your home node. (SET/HOME <Node Call>) If you normally connect to K8SMC then it would be (SET/HOME K8SMC) 
SET/LOCATION Set your location (lat/lon) of your station.  (SET/LOCATION 42 17 N 84 21 W)
SET/LOGIN Tells cluster to send USER connects and disconnects.
SET/NAME Set your name (SET/NAME <First Name>)
SET/NOANN Turn off announcements.
SET/NOBEACON Turn off beacon spots.  These are spots ending in "/B" or "BCN"
SET/NOBEEP Turn off a beep for DX and Announcement spots .
SET/NOBOB Turn off bottom of band DX spots.
SET/NOCQ Turn off CQ Zone in spot announcements.
SET/NODX Turn off DX spot announcements.
SET/NODXCQ Turn off CQ Zone in DX info for DX spots
SET/NODXITU Turn off ITU Zone in DX info for DX spots
SET/NODXS Turn off US state/province or country in DX info for DX spots
SET/NOUSSTATE Turn off US state or Canadian province spotter in DX info for DX spots
SET/NOGRID Turn off DX Grids in spot announcements
SET/NOITU Turn off ITU Zone in spot announcements
SET/NOLOGIN Stops cluster from sending USER connects and disconnects
SET/NOSELF Turn off self spots by other users
SET/NOTALK Turn off the display of talk messages
SET/NOWCY Turn off the display of WCY spots
SET/NOWWV Turn off the display of WWV spots
SET/NOWX Turn off the display of weather announcements
SET/QRA Input your Grid Square. (SET/QRA EN72)
SET/QTH Set your city and state. (SET/QTH <City, State>) DX <City, Country>
SET/RES 1 Tells CC-Cluster to give you 1 decimal point rounding in DX spots
SET/RES 2 Tells CC-Cluster to give you 2 decimal point rounding in DX spots
SET/SELF Turn on self spots by other users
SET/TALK Turn on the display of talk messages
SET/USSTATE Turns on US State, toggles CQ Zone, DX Grid, & ITU Zone to off
SET/WCY Turn on the display of WCY spots
SET/WIDTH Sets the line width for DX spots, normally this has been 80 characters.  Depending on your logging program you can use anything between 45 to 130 characters,  SET/WIDTH XX where XX is the number of characters.
SET/WWV Turn on the display of WWV spots
SET/WX Turn on the display of weather announcements
SHow/CL Node Info and CCC Uptime  See SH/VERSION 
SHow/CONF Shows nodes and callsigns of USERs, only nodes called LOCAL by Sysop.
SHow/DX Shows last 30 spots
SHow/DX <Call> Shows last 30 spots for that call
SHow/DX/<number> Shows that number of spots.  SH/DX/100
SHow/DX/ <Band> Shows last 30 spots on that band.  SH/DX 20  for 20 meters
SHow/DX/ <Freq> Shows spots by frequency range.  Syntax = SH/DX 7020-7130
SHow/DX <prefix*> Shows all spots for a country, standard prefix not necessary, asterisk needed
SHow/DX 'rtty' Shows spots where the comment field contains (rtty)
SHow/FDX Shows last 30 real time formatted dx spots.
SHow/FILTER Shows how you have your filters set.
SHow/HEAD <Call> Shows heading - distance and bearing for the call.
SHow/MYANN Shows last 5 announcements allowed by your filter settings.
SHow/MYDX Shows last 30 spots allowed by your filter settings
SHow/MYDX <Call> Shows last 30 spots for the call allowed by your filter settings.
SHow/MYDX/<number> Shows that number of spots allowed by your filter.  SH/MYDX/100
SHow/MYDX/<Band> Shows last 30 spots on that band allowed by your filter settings.  SH/MYDX 20  for 20 meters
SHow/MYFDX Shows last 30 spots allowed by your filter settings.  
SHow/MYWX Shows last 5 weather announcements allowed by your filter settings.
SHow/RES Shows what your frequency decimal point rounding is set for.
SHow/SETTINGS Shows information on the node for your call and how you are setup.
SHow/STATION Shows information on the node for a station.  (SH/STA <Callsign>)
SHow/SUN Shows local sunrise and sunset times.  (SH/SUN <Prefix.) for that country
SHow/TIME Shows GMT time.
SHow/TIME <Call> Shows local time for the call.
SHow/USDB Shows State/Province for US/VE calls.  (SH/USDB <Callsign>)
SHow/USERS Shows callsigns of everyone connected to the local node.
SHow/VERSION Shows the CCC and Windsock Versions and Windsock Uptime for connections.
SHow/WIDTH Shows the amount of characters for DX spots in the comment field.
SHow/WWV Shows WWV info, (SH/WWV) gives last 5 (SH/WWV/99) gives last 99
SHow/WCY Shows last 5 DK0WCY, similar to WWV
Talk Send a talk message to someone on the node.  (T <Callsign> <Message>)
UNSET/ This command can be used instead of SET/NO, Compatibility for DX-Spider USERs
WHO This command will return a list of connections in alphabetical order.  Items are: Call User/Node Name IP/AGW
WX The command "WX" will send a local weather announcement.  (WX Sunny and Warm)


DXBM Frequencies
Band Mode Low High Band Mode Low High Band Mode Low High
160-CW 1800 1850       160-SSB 1850 2000
80-CW 3500 3580 80-RTTY 3580 3700 80-SSB 3700 4000
            60-SSB 5260 5405
40-CW 7000 7040 40-RTTY 7040 7100 40-SSB 7100 7300
30-CW 10100 10130 30-RTTY 10130 10150      
20-CW 14000 14070 20-RTTY 14070 14150 20-SSB 14150 14350
17-CW 18068 18100 17-RTTY 18100 18110 17-SSB 18110 18168
15-CW 21000 21070 15-RTTY 21070 21200 15-SSB 21200 21450
12-CW 24890 24920 12-RTTY 24920 24930 12-SSB 24930 24990
10-CW 28000 28070 10-RTTY 28070 28300 10-SSB 28300 29700
6-CW 50000 50080 6-SSB 50080 50500 6-FM 50500 54000
2-CW 144000 144100 2-SSB 144100 144500 2-FM 144500 148000
1-CW 220000 221000 1-SSB 222000 224000 1-FM 221000 222000
            MW-MW 500000 20000000